Upcoming Events
Listen to the birds, watch for elk prints, and bask in the stillness within the green forest.Ffynnon is a beautiful corner of the woods and a source of restoration and inspiration for our members and guests. We have been called to care for this land and our vision for it includes people like you; we invite you to celebrate your interaction with the natural environment and with others here at Ffynnon. Help us preserve, educate, inspire, and create by becoming a member of Ffynnon. Join our Mailing ListStay up to date with our calendar of events and offerings. | The Ffynnon Community Discord Server is a friendly and supportive place where you can chat with Ffynnon community members, ask questions, and learn more about our beautiful space. To join simply click on this link: https://discord.gg/HrXy6a92Aw You will need to create a free Discord account if you don’t have one already. Once you join, you will be able to access the channels and start chatting right away. |
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